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Registration Ends Jan 11 At 12PM ET!

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00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

"Here's The Story Behind Why I Use Funnels For Everything"

There I was a successful business owner that had to shut down operations to move out of state from California to Arizona for the welfare of my mother-in-law’s health. I just wanted to keep our family secure and healthy.
My goal was to open my business back up and start generating revenue to support our family. My desire was to start making money online from home again like I used to.
At the time, I was struggling with moving products fast enough with the changes the internet was going through. Usually, I could adapt, but I didn’t have my staff with me, and our situation was very difficult to juggle. That meant I couldn’t get my online sales to come back like they used to, and it became increasingly difficult to keep up with the changing policies of Amazon and eBay while also taking care of my family’s emotional needs.
All I wanted was to relieve the stress that was burdening my family. I wanted my wife to be able to stay at home and be with the kids, and I really didn’t want her to have to leave to work because we’ve been together this whole time, and I wanted it to stay that way. The feeling of letting go of my business made me feel like pulling the covers over my head in the bed and never coming out.
Then our eBay account got permanently banned for no reason. We were top-rated, power sellers, and relied on that status for years; this made me realize that everyone flipping products to be sold on these websites like Amazon and eBay, were only making those companies more money. And when it was time for Amazon and eBay to help their vendors, they didn’t, and they wouldn't even give you a list of leads because those customers belong to them, not you, not your business.
At this point, hospital bills, moving debt, and product fatigue was building up, and I had to tell my family we might have to move and sell the house, or I would have to start working away from home for long hours, leaving them with no emotional support.

But there was time left. I could still do something to prevent this.
Over the next few months, I pushed hard trying to find a business model that would revitalize my business while also showing me the modern ways of digital marketing. After investing and trying multiple business ventures, I began working for a lead gen company that trained everyone working for them to use “Sales Funnels.”
I tried using their system for myself, and literally, within minutes of posting an ad, I was getting names, emails, phone numbers, and much more from all my dream customers. 
Within a couple of weeks, I was making $500-$1500 sales without cold calling.

That’s when the lightbulb went off!

I can literally sell whatever I want using Sales Funnels; this is the key to working from home!”

With sales funnels, I would be able to sell any product or service I wanted, even if it wasn’t mine, and quickly generate leads that would eventually buy higher ticket products from me; This was amazing!
So, I decided to follow some proven frameworks for online sales. I began doing an incredible amount of research on funnels, so I could continue working from home and keep our family together while supporting us all.
That’s when I found a software company called ClickFunnels and realized their funnel creation software was the easiest there was in the world. Anyone could learn and build profitable funnels in less than a day with this application, while others had to connect dozens of other third-party applications to get their stuff working.
I remade the first funnel I created, but this time inside ClickFunnels. The results were amazing; I made, on average, over $1000 a sale and collected thousands of leads for “free” because the funnel would pay for the traffic.
I noticed that every profitable online business was following the same psychology. It didn’t matter if you were a one-person show or a corporate giant; you could make real money online using sales funnels.
In the end, I was able to revive my business and support my family. I’ve helped thousands on their search for new jobs and assisted dozens in investing their money to start or improve their own businesses.
I no longer have to worry about getting shut down by more prominent companies or losing the money I invest in my business. I can feel secure knowing that I can follow frameworks and continue to use them to support my family from home and keep them happy as we live our life in Arizona.
That’s why I believe that sales funnels can make any of you money in the next 30 days. It took me years to find out the frameworks on my own, but now I stumbled on a Workshop Challenge that gives you everything you need for the next month.
That’s why I’m so excited to Share With You the One Funnel Away Challenge. Along with our own Personal Bonuses that make this the best education and fully done for you system you’ll ever need!

Here's What You're Gonna Get

From Russell Brunson...

Here's What You're Gonna Get

From Mark Diles (me)...

Bridge Page Bundle - ($1,158 Value)

 Affiliate Bridge Page

This high converting page is your key to becoming profitable as quickly as humanly possible so you can get a consistent and passive income while getting paid what you’re worth.
 ($497 Value)

 Bridge Comprehensive Blueprint

This bulletproof strategy is your key to launching your funnel without making a product so you can 10x your affiliate sales and make more money than your job could ever pay.
($67 Value)

 Resources Page Template

This resource template is your solution to offering your affiliate links most innovatively and ethically, so you can help as many people as possible while making consistent cash flow and scale your business effortlessly.
($497 Value)

 Done For You Mockups

This ”done for you service” is your key to get your mockups completely ready without paying a professional designer to do it for you (we'll pay them for you), so you can get more sales from a higher perceived offer and make an insane amount of sales quickly.
($97 Value)

 Lifetime OFA Facebook Mastermind 

You will be added to an exclusive “Prolitigation” Mastermind (not the same as the one Russel Brunson is giving access to; that one only last 30 days for the class), where you will have permanent access to like-minded, work from home individuals, and have the opportunity to make joint ventures whenever you’d like.
($ Priceless )

Value From Russel Brunson: $3,126

Value From Mark Diles: $1,158

The Challenge Is Just $100 To Join... This $100 Investment Covers Your Materials We Will Be Shipping To You During The Challenge...

Today: $4,284 $100

(All My Bonuses Are Free, If You Jump In Before The Next Challenge Starts)

Registration Ends Jan 11th At 12PM ET!

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

>> NOTE: Bonuses Are Emailed Out Within 48 HOURS!

I am an independent ClickFunnels Affiliate, not an employee. I receive referral payments from ClickFunnels. The opinions expressed here are my own and are not official statements of ClickFunnels or its parent company, Etison LLC.
Prolitigation LLC, ©2005+ All Rights Reserved
Mark Diles & Iverson Diles